Bistable Ring PUFs and Compositions

Simulation of all flavors of Bistable Ring PUFs in pypuf are based on a model based in linear threshold functions. This model was found to describe Bistable Rings and Twisted Bistable Rings quite well [XRHB15]. Notice that the Bistable Ring PUF simulation in pypuf is based on a model derived from successful modeling attacks [XRHB15] rather than a physically motivated model.


pypuf is currently unaware of how physical intrinsics of Bistable Rings are generated in the PUF manufacturing process, hence passing of predetermined weights is mandatory for instantiating any bistable ring PUF.


pypuf uses \(\{-1,1\}\) to represent bit values in Bistable Ring PUF simulations, for both challenges and responses.


All bistable ring PUF simulations in pypuf use numpy.int8 to represent bit values, i.e. for each challenge or response bit, one byte of memory is allocated. While inefficient in terms of required memory, this provides faster evaluation performance than storing one logical bit in one bit of memory.

Bistable Ring PUF

The Bistable Ring PUF was proposed as an FPGA-friendly Strong PUF design [CCLSR11].

pypuf supports simulation of Bistable Rings only without noise, due to the lack of a noise model in the literature. To instantiate a Bistable Ring PUF instance, the challenge length n must be chosen and appropriate weight parameters must be provided. To evaluate challenges, provide a list of challenges to the eval method. For example, to obtain a couple of Challenge-Response-Pairs of an Bistable Ring PUF:

>>> from numpy.random import default_rng
>>> from pypuf.simulation import BistableRingPUF
>>> n = 64
>>> weights = default_rng(1).normal(size=(n+1))  # instead, data should be derived from experimental setup
>>> puf = BistableRingPUF(n=64, weights=weights)
>>> from import ChallengeResponseSet
>>> crps = ChallengeResponseSet.from_simulation(puf, N=3, seed=1)
>>> crps.responses[:, 0, 0]  # first response bit, first query
array([ 1., -1., -1.])

XOR Bistable Ring PUF

After successful modeling attacks on the Bistable Ring PUF [SH14], an XORed version of the Bistable Ring PUF was suggested [XRHB15]. Much like the XOR Arbiter PUF, it is a design variant where many Bistable Ring PUFs are instantiated and the parity of the individual responses is given as the final output of the XOR Bistable Ring PUF.

To simulate an 8-XOR 64-bit Bistable Ring PUF, use

>>> from numpy.random import default_rng
>>> from pypuf.simulation import XORBistableRingPUF
>>> k, n = 8, 64
>>> weights = default_rng(1).normal(size=(k, n+1))  # instead, data should be derived from experimental setup
>>> puf = XORBistableRingPUF(n=64, k=8, weights=weights)
>>> from import random_inputs
>>> puf.eval(random_inputs(n=64, N=4, seed=2))
array([ 1,  1,  1, -1], dtype=int8)